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CyFlow™ CD11c PE

CyFlow™ CD11c PE
Alternative Name: p150
Antigen: CD11c
Application: Flow cytometry
Clonality: monoclonal
Clone: BU15
Emission Maximum: 576 nm
Excitation Maximum: 496 nm, 565 nm
Field of Interest: Immunophenotyping
Format/Fluorochrome: PE
Isotype: IgG1
Laser: Blue , Green, Yellow
Regulatory Status: CE IVD
Source Species: Mouse
Target Species: Human
Product number: AV823795


HLDA Workshop HLDA III—WS Code M 256 HLDA V—WS Code AS S143 HLDA VI—WS Code AS Ref.6... more
CyFlow™ CD11c PE

HLDA WorkshopHLDA III—WS Code M 256 HLDA V—WS Code AS S143 HLDA VI—WS Code AS Ref.6
Concentration Unitµg/mL
Quantity100 tests
Volume1.0 mL
ImmunogenDendritic cells of synovial fluid
Background InformationCD11c (αX integrin subunit) forms complex with CD18 (β2 integrin subunit) and is expressed mainly on tissue macrophages and dendritic cells. CD11c binds to complement fragment iC3b, fibrinogen, VCAM-1 and ICAM-2 or e.g. CD90. Like other β2 integrins, CD11c/CD18 plays roles in cell migration and phagocytosis. Moreover, interaction of CD11c/CD18 with plasminogen regulates plasmin activities, and interaction with heparin counteracts binding of iC3b.
Antigen DistributionCD11c (αX integrin subunit) is a 150 kDa integrin expressed mainly on tissue macrophages and dendritic cells.
UsageCE IVD usage Placeholder
Storage BufferThe reagent is provided in stabilizing phosphate buffered saline (PBS) solution, pH ≈7.4, containing 0.09% (w/v) sodium azide and 0.2% (w/v) BSA.
StorageAvoid prolonged exposure to light. Store in the dark at 2-8°C. Do not freeze.
StabilityDo not use after expiration date stamped on vial label.

Specific References

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